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9 notas encontradas con la búsqueda Fintech
1 ActualidadMx ActualidadMx Votos: 0
Misceláneas 3/4/2022 7:51:56 PM
Fintech en Latinoamérica: Datos que debes saber
¿Cómo están las fintech en Latam?
El momento es ahoraEl momento es ahora
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Fintech . finanzas . financiamiento . créditos . préstamos . dinero . .
2 ActualidadMx ActualidadMx Votos: 0
Alternativas 6/2/2021 9:31:47 PM
Financiación inmediata por internet de moda
Puntos a considerar
Conoce más sobre esta modalidadConoce más sobre esta modalidad
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financiamiento . finanzas . préstamos . préstamos online . préstamos en línea . créditos online . .
3 ipswitch ipswitch Votos: 0
Alternativas 10/8/2020 11:01:45 AM
Livewarey DRZ presentes en el 5º Congreso Latinoamericano -Tecnología y NegociosAmérica Digital 2020 - 100% Online
Los días 14 y 15 de octubrese llevará a cabo el 5º Congreso Latinoamericano -Tecnología yNegocios América Digital 2020, este año en formato 100%virtual a raíz de la pandemia
Enel marco de una alianza estratégica, Liveware acompañará a su partner DRZ,durante la Expo Tecnológica más importante de la regiónEnel marco de una alianza estratégica, Liveware acompañará a su partner DRZ,durante la Expo Tecnológica más importante de la región
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4 MariF MariF Votos: 0
Internet 6/20/2019 4:06:35 AM
Por qué los minicréditos son tan populares en España
Las nuevas formas de financiación
Las nuevas FintechLas nuevas Fintech
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finanzas . fintech . prestamos . . . . .
5 oliver1 oliver1 Votos: 0
Negocios 6/4/2019 7:54:26 PM
Fintech Pioneer lucha contra Inversor-estafador
Después de cuatro años, la saga de robos, traiciones y criptomonedas pronto podrán llegar a su fin
Walter Gómez, fundador de la pionera tecnología de Börser S.A., formalmente anuncia su búsqueda de acciones legales contra Edward Roworth y Jaspal Singh Arri. Walter Gómez, fundador de la pionera tecnología de Börser S.A., formalmente anuncia su búsqueda de acciones legales contra Edward Roworth y Jaspal Singh Arri.
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Walter Gomez . Costa Rica . Inversor . Fintech Company . . . .
6 vcolm85 vcolm85 Votos: 0
Negocios 5/4/2019 9:35:18 AM
Walter Gomez, founder of fintech pioneer Börser S.A., will exercise legal remedies against former investor-partner fraudster
The resource consists of rescuing $1 million demanded by Gomez and his associates after a transaction initiated in 2015 and which has only been partially complied with.
The original agreement, defined in a binding contract signed by Gomez and Arri, who represented himself as the principal of a corporate partyThe original agreement, defined in a binding contract signed by Gomez and Arri, who represented himself as the principal of a corporate party
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EdwardPatrickRoworth . WalterGomez . Scam . TraderinLies . AndrewMcCane . EWW . Borser .
7 vcolm85 vcolm85 Votos: 0
Negocios 5/4/2019 9:34:33 AM
Walter Gomez, founder of fintech pioneer Börser S.A., will exercise legal remedies against former investor-partner fraudster
The resource consists of rescuing $1 million demanded by Gomez and his associates after a transaction initiated in 2015 and which has only been partially complied with.
The original agreement, defined in a binding contract signed by Gomez and Arri, who represented himself as the principal of a corporate partyThe original agreement, defined in a binding contract signed by Gomez and Arri, who represented himself as the principal of a corporate party
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EdwardPatrickRoworth . WalterGomez . Scam . TraderinLies . AndrewMcCane . EWW . Borser .
8 vcolm85 vcolm85 Votos: 0
Negocios 5/4/2019 9:32:08 AM
Walter Gomez, founder of fintech pioneer Börser S.A., will exercise legal remedies against former investor-partner fraudster
The resource consists of rescuing $1 million demanded by Gomez and his associates after a transaction initiated in 2015 and which has only been partially complied with.
The original agreement, defined in a binding contract signed by Gomez and Arri, who represented himself as the principal of a corporate partyThe original agreement, defined in a binding contract signed by Gomez and Arri, who represented himself as the principal of a corporate party
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EdwardPatrickRoworth . WalterGomez . Scam . TraderinLies . AndrewMcCane . EWW . Borser .
9 ipswitch ipswitch Votos: 0
Negocios 1/11/2019 6:08:26 AM
Ciberseguridad: 5 tendencias que marcarían el camino en 2019
Escrito por Sebastián Stranieri
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